Let's is a magic word: let's go, let's start, let's talk .... whenever we use it we feel we are not alone, we feel stronger, it's like "it's ok, we can do it together!" That's why we've called our etwinning project "let's share culture." With an idea in mind: culture. Culture is a legend, culture is music, culture is a poem, culture is a folk tale, culture is a traditional recipe, culture is a festival, it belongs to a people but it can be shared with anyone.
This year we want to share it with our partner school.
So let's start and .....
let's share culture!!!

Firstly let's us tell you who we are: well, we are a group of Italian and Portuguese students who have decided to catch the opportunity to follow a new and motivating way to learn offered by eTwinning.
Is there anyone who doesn't know eTwinning yet? It's part of Comenius, the well-known program of the UE for the development of Lifelong Learning. Consider that at the moment there are already more than 122,033 members all over the European Community.
Our project was born because two of our teachers were convinced it could give us the possibility to enlarge our knowledge in more fields.
First of all English competence. It's a "must" considering that the Italian among us don't speak Portuguese and the Portuguese don't understand Italian. So, if we want to communicate we have to use the common foreign language we study and to perfectionate it.
Then writing competence. Because we have to compose texts or articles about various topics related to our respective traditions and culture. It's a really stimulating activity that helps the development of our intercultural dialogue.
And then ICT competence. Because we publish our texts online so we have to learn how multimedial tools are correctly used.
What else? Ah, yes! The opportunity to learn a bit of our respective languages a so enrich our communicative skills. It's such an easy, amusing and natural way. And what can be better than learning and enjoying yourself at the same time?

our facebook link

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